19.08.2022 07:00

The President of Vietnam invited Kazakhstan to intensify cooperation in promising areas

Vietnam and Kazakhstan should strengthen cooperation in areas with good potential, such as agriculture, tourism and transport — President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said at a reception of Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi in Hanoi on August 18.

He highly appreciated the visit of the Kazakh official to Vietnam on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations and expressed confidence that this visit would contribute to the strengthening and development of traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Vietnam always attaches great importance to good traditional friendship with Kazakhstan, the President said, expressing satisfaction with the positive development of their bilateral political ties, regular exchange of delegations at all levels through party, national and state channels.

He highly appreciated the contribution and role of Kazakhstan at the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), especially its chairmanship in the CICA for 2020-2022.

According to him, Vietnam and Kazakhstan still have enough room to expand their economic cooperation, and they should optimize the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), to which Kazakhstan is a member.

The leader highly appreciated the initiative to open direct flights between Vietnam and Kazakhstan to facilitate delegation exchanges and bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism and transport.

For his part, Tleuberdi congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in socio-economic development, international integration and effective fight against COVID-19.

Vietnam is an important partner of Kazakhstan in the Asia-Pacific region, he said, emphasizing that Kazakhstan wants to intensify cooperation with the Southeast Asian country in the field of economics-trade, investment, finance, education-training, cultural tourism, transport, clean energy and high technologies. technology.

On this occasion, President Phuc thanked the government of Kazakhstan for supporting the Vietnamese living in his country, especially during the pandemic.

Source: https://en.nhandan.vn/politics/external-relations/item/11787502-president-suggests-vietnam-kazakhstan-enhance-cooperation-in-areas-of-potential.html
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