Unique Page: Create a unique shop page with a custom URL that represents your brand on the Vietamin Marketplace.

Selecting a shop type: Determine your character your business — an information shop to provide information about products and services, or a restaurant/cafe with the ability to place and order products.

Personalization: Add a description, indicate the location on the map, operating hours, so that your shop was easily found and understood by customers.

QR code for quick access: Get a QR code for easy access to your page.


Convenient ordering process: Restaurants and cafes can accept orders from customers through a simple and convenient interface. Customers can add products/services to the cart and complete the order, and received orders are instantly displayed in your shop account.

Flexibility: Provide convenient conditions for customers by limiting the acceptance of orders outside of business hours.

Payment methods: Customers can easily pay for their orders by choosing convenient payment methods such as cash or card, providing convenience and variety in payment options for your customer base.


Built-in delivery service: For restaurants/cafes, we provide a delivery mechanism, automatically assigning a courier to fulfill the order.

Delivery management: Our built-in The delivery service frees the shop from the hassle of arranging the delivery of orders. We automatically assign a courier to fulfill the order, and you can monitor the entire delivery process in your shop's personal account. This gives you the opportunity to concentrate on the quality of order preparation, providing customers with a reliable and convenient experience.

Delivery tracking: Your shop can monitor the entire delivery process in your personal account.


Customer feedback: Your customers can share their impressions, leave reviews of products and services.

Interaction: You can respond to reviews, strengthening the connection with your customers.


Event creation: Shops can organize their own events, which will be published in the Vietamin Events Calendar.

Flexibility in settings: You can specify date for a single event or select days of the week for recurring weekly events.

Event Details: Add location, description and entry price for events, giving customers all the information they need.

Attracting attention: Your events will be visible to a wide audience in the Vietamin Events Calendar, which helps attract new customers and maintain the interest of your current audience.


Monthly Report: Vietamin automatically generates monthly reports at the beginning of each month. They provide a comprehensive summary of order data for the previous calendar month.

Sales Analytics: Get detailed analytics including sales volume, popular products, and total orders completed.

Finance accounting: The shop can track incoming non-cash payments from customers, which ensures transparency in financial transactions.

Shop Order Reports: Get information about each order, including date, items, fulfillment status, and payment method selected.

Product Report: Analyze which products are in high demand and which ones require additional attention.


Mail notifications: The shop can configure sending notifications about new orders by email.

Messengers: For more convenient and timely receipt of notifications the shop can also link its Zalo or Telegram accounts.

Connection: The process of connecting instant messengers is very simple and will not take the shop owner more than 5 minutes.


Your content space: Publish news, promotions and interesting information on your personal blog, creating a unique image of your brand.

Customer interaction: A blog becomes a tool to strengthen interaction with your audience and increase loyalty.


Create your own shop in Vietnam's unified Marketplace for expats.

Publish products or services and start accepting customer orders.

Tell the whole of Vietnam about your business!

Shop registration
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